Friday, January 20, 2012

January 20 evening

Travelled along coast today stopped at a Winnery and fishing town - Ulladulla - where Irene and Rose bought fresh ocean perch at the harbour and Neil inspected a tuna fishing boat- goes out to sea for five days at a time.

Arrived at the campground in Bateman's bay  at mouth of Clyde river that flows into ocean and we have a waterfront RV site - overlooking water where several boats are moored. Beautiful campsite and a much quieter than where we were last night. Probably around 70 sites here compared to 550 last night. 

Plan to stay  here for two.  nights and explore - have hot lead on wild kangaroo area which we are going to seek out tomorrow. May have to go buy a fishing rod as camper next to us just caught a fish right behind our rv site.

Drove through rolling foresed countryside today but still quite heavily populated so lots of nice looking acreages and smaller communities.

Now 7pm, Friday night - will be 2am Friday in SK and 1am in AB.  Just starting to get dark, temperature in around 20  reached high 20s to 30 today.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you could update your blog! Kids love hearing about your trip! Hard to believe you are in summer holidays over there when we dipped down to minus 49 with windchill!! Enjoy the nice hot weather!
